Conversation lounges

General conversation

This lounge is for general conversation. You're welcome to discuss anything that would be offtopic in the other lounges.

Topic Views Messages Last post
20 Years of & giveaway 2341 2 By Arnaud de Klerk 4 months ago
Haai! 3352 4 By Arnaud de Klerk 5 years ago
Arabic MSX Software available 2310 1 By TFHFony 5 years ago
Nemesis 3 - The Eve of Destruction - ゴーファーの野望EPISODEII - Enhanced 2740 1 By TFHFony 6 years ago
Tecnobytes slotexpander will harm your MSX! 3204 4 By Hydragon 5 years ago
Treasures of Usas - Enhanced (SCC Sound & Turbofix, etc) 2522 1 By TFHFony 6 years ago
Treasures of Usas - Enhanced (SCC Sound/Turbofix/etc) 366 1 By TFHFony 6 years ago
Noobie 1836 1 By Leviset 6 years ago
Zanac 2nd version 1944 1 By TFHFony 6 years ago
Congratulations! 2011 6 By Raúl Chicón 7 years ago

Software and hardware development

Conversations about development on or for MSX (and/or other retro platforms). Conversations about cross-development using modern tools and platforms is also very welcome.

Topic Views Messages Last post
MSXdev games available to play online 2870 3 By Arnaud de Klerk 5 years ago
ccZ80++ library for MSX 2826 2 By ToriHino 6 years ago
Flat1 demo 1838 2 By N.I 7 years ago
About Manbow 2 issues with flashrom devices 1781 3 By GuyveR800 7 years ago
What Assemblers and why 3585 23 By アルバート 7 years ago
MegaFlashROM discussion 2127 2 By Warmize 7 years ago
MSX development on Youtube 1887 5 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
MSX2+ popularity 2629 12 By George van Halderen 7 years ago
Anyone knows about new versions of Solid-C? 1512 1 By AxelStone 7 years ago
Ilevan MSX 3576 12 By GuyveR800 7 years ago

Music and graphics

The lounge for our artists. Talk about graphics, music, sound, and the tools and techniques to create them.

Topic Views Messages Last post
paint 4 hd 2067 15 By Zett 7 years ago
Is there any tracker for MSX-Music that exports in FM-BIOS format? 1835 9 By AxelStone 7 years ago
MSX MIDI creation software 1903 2 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Trackers suck. 5491 70 By パトリク 7 years ago


Running emulated systems in modern hardware and conversations about the emulators themselves, rather than the systems being emulated.

Topic Views Messages Last post
Issues setting up MSX-C, "invalid name hda" 2224 1 By Daniel Tkach 5 years ago
RetroArch: bad performance on a MacBook Pro 2268 4 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago

Trading and collecting

Our marketplace. Buy and sell stuff!

Topic Views Messages Last post
Gradius for sale (#2) 1980 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Gradius for sale (#1) 1668 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Konami's Baseball for sale 1966 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
King's Valley for sale 2242 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Konami's Boxing for sale 1975 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Konami's Soccer for sale 2080 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Road Fighter for sale 2047 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Hyper Rally for sale 2000 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Q-Bert for sale 1930 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Gradius 2 for sale 2032 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Space Manbow for sale 2073 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for sale 5309 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
MSX2+ for sale (Panasonic FS-A1WX) 2614 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago

MSX Center help and support

Feedback and questions about our website, help, troubleshooting, suggestions, etc.

Topic Views Messages Last post
Error in Lounges 1828 2 By Arnaud de Klerk 6 years ago
reply does not show automatically 1827 4 By パトリク 7 years ago
Saturated contact e-mail address / How to disable the notifications for new replies? 2016 4 By mars2000 7 years ago
Test thread on the production site 1710 4 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago
Things to do after the launch 2098 15 By Sandy Pleyte 7 years ago
The beta is now open! 2342 21 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago


Lounge for MSX Center staff. Maintenance of the site, developmeint, bugfixes, financing, organization, etc.

Topic Views Messages Last post
[PUBLIC] Financial report and site statistics (June 2017) 1635 1 By Javi Lavandeira 7 years ago